EU Export Control Programme Organized by ISTC in Armenia- ECOSF Participated as Collaborator

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The International Science and Technology Center (ISTC) at Astana- Kazakhstan in collaboration with European Union Export Control Programme for Dual use goods (EUP2P) organized regional seminar on “Export Control on Dual-Use Materials and Technologies in Central Asia” in Yerevan, Armenia on 5-6 November 2018. The purpose of this seminar was to build an interaction among research communities with their experience and their best practices with government and industrial sector of Export Control Systems.

The participants from ISTC member Countries as well as other ECO member countries viz- Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan participated in the seminar. On behalf of ECOSF, its Scientific Officer Engr. Khalil Raza participated in the seminar and contributed to various group discussions and table top exercises during the event.

The primary goal of the seminar was to stimulate reflection on the necessity of effective legislative and regulatory frameworks to prevent deliberate and inadvertent transfer and production of sensitive material. With adequate strategy and planning, steps can be taken ahead of a crisis to control the transfers of sensitive materials and technologies, and penalize violations, and to raise awareness about risks and threats among relevant stakeholder communities. The potential measures also include the evaluation of the consequences of failure of prevention and reflection on supplementary legislative and regulatory measures needed to prevent recurrence of the incident.

During the seminar, Engr. Khalil held a meeting with the Executive Director ISTC, Mr. David Cleave for strengthening the on-going collaboration between ISTC and the Foundation. Mr. Cleave assured of continued cooperation and collaboration mainly in capacity building and export control system in the ECO region.

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